Sand Quaries

The Integrated Tribal Development Agency, Eturnagaram has initiated sand quarrying operations in Godavari River through the Registered Cooperative Societies of the Gram Panchayat concerned with the technical support of Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd (TSMDC).

The main intention of carrying the sand activity is:

By utilizing the available natural resources ie., Sand Mining

With a view to change the financial scenario of the inhabitants of the concerned GP

To provide sustainable livelihood to the inhabitants of the Grama Panchayat concerned

Profit to be shared evenly among the villagers thus ensuring financial assistance.

By the completion of the project (i.e., 3 years), the habitations of the GP to be well furnished with all basic amenities


The Sand Bearing Areas (Godavari River) under submergence in Kanthanapally Project was handed over to M/s Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., by the District Collector/Chairperson of District Level Sand Committee on 16-02-2015 for lifting of sand and requested the TSMDC Ltd. to allot raising contract to the societies of Etur and Thupakulagudem Grama Panchayats of Eturnagaram mandal on nomination basis for quarrying, transportation of sand to the stock yard and loading at stock yard.Accordingly, M/s TSMDC has allotted raising contract to the society on nomination basis @ Rs.150/- per cum. of which Rs.80/- per cbm to the Organizations (MoU), and the remaining amount of Rs.70/- per cbm to the concerned Societies.

The two sand societies i.e., Eturu and Tupakulagudem of Eturunagaram Mandal have been registered under AP Societies Act 1964 and are formed with the residents of the concerned Grama Panchayats (irrespective of caste). At-present, the Sand Operations are only going-on in Eturu Society as the bookings at Tupakulagudem Society are reported to be NIL.

Sl. No. Name of the Sand Reach Commencement Date Remarks / Present status
1 Eturu-2 11.03.2015 Running
2 Eturu-1 28.03.2015 Running
3 Eturu-3 11.12.2015 Running
4 Eturu-1 A 17.03.2016 Running
5 Singaram 1-06-2016 Running
Sl. No. Name of the Quarry Total Sales in Cu.M as on,30-11-2016 Total Amount (150/- per Cu.B) Amount to Contractors @ Rs.80/- per Cu.B Profit to Society @ Rs.70/- per Cu.B Amount Received Balance to be
1 Etur -1 402307.5 60346125 32184600 28161525 96496569 144629496
2 Etur -1/A 179372 26905800 14349760 12556040
3 Etur - 2 695037.6 104255640 55603008 48652632
4 Etur - 3 303101 45465150 24248080 21217070
5 Etur - 4 27689 4153350 2215120 1938230
TOTAL 1607507.1 241126065 128600568 112525497 96496569 144629496
6 Tupakulagudem 209154.7 31373205 16732376 14640829 1491499 29881706
Grand TOTAL 1816661.8 272499270 145332944 127166326 97988068 174511202

It is submitted that, prior to introduction of Sand Societies among the above villages, the Society Members are Small & Agricultural farmers who are going for Agricultural Labour works at the village and other adjacent villages for their Livelihood and with this activity, they are able to earn an income of Rs.60,000/- to Rs.70,000/- per annum which includes Daily wages etc., After entering in to the Sand Cooperative Societies, they demonstrated that a Cooperative Society has the Potential to achieve any objective and now these people have gained access to earn an income of nearly Rs.10,000/- to Rs.15,000/- per month at an average and besides this, they also gained Self-Confidence in all the aspects comparatively. These people are now in a position to guide other workers what they earned while forming in to Sand Cooperative Societies and the said program has been extremely successful in the said villages.

It is submitted that, as per the instructions of the District Collector, Warangal for the enhancement of their livelihood further, the SERP-TPMU - Eturnagaram has conducted Livelihood Survey and prepared SHG wise Livelihood Enhancement Action Plan (LEAP) in Etur, Singaram and Kanthanapally villages where sand mining operations have been taken up.

According to the Plan, (221) House-holds names were registered and opted various Economic Support Schemes in Online Beneficiary Management and Monitoring System (OBMMS)website Site of concerned Welfare Departments under Action Plan 2014-15. The details are as follows.

Sl. No. Village Name Sanctioned in OBMMS website under ESS
ST SC BC Total
1 Eturu 13 21 35 69
2 Sinagram 27 33 42 102
3 Kanthanapalli 31 0 15 44
G.P. Total: 71 54 92 217
Total :Rs. 2.17 Crores

Door-door House-hold Survey has been conducted by the IKP Staff and with the earnings by the Families under Sand Cooperative Society, Recurring Deposit Accounts at concerned Post Offices in the name of the below 12 year girl child is being opened and at every month some amount is being deposited in to this Account which will be helpful for their marriages and other occasions.

Survey with regard to the boys / girls has been conducted who are at 18-years age above for conducting necessary training programs under TWD/EGMM which are fit to them are being planned which includes Placement in the Private Sectors, Self-employment and Pre Examination coaching for formal employment as per their eligibility and interest.

Moreover, with the Seignorage Charges so accumulated under Sand Activity to the Panchayat, the Gram Panchayat is utilizing the amount for developing their Panchayat by taking up certain village infrastructure development works such as formation of internal Roads & drains, Drinking Water facilities in the habitations i.e., Repairs to Bore Wells, Open Wells etc, in addition to the works of the Other Departments.

The major impact of the programme:

Getting additional income in addition to their existing livelihood.

Improvement in health conditions.

Every family is free from debt.

Development of village physical infrastructure I.e., Roads with drains, drinking water facilities etc.,

Benefitting the local villagers by excavating of the sand.
