Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam

As on 31.10.2015 (3,194) applications have been received through online. Out of which (2,710) applications sanctioned Rs. 51,000/- for each unmarried girls total Rs. 13,82,10,000/- who have been verified the social status and remaining (453) application sent field level Officers for verification of social status.

S.No Year Total Registrations Pending For Verification Verified and Pending for Sanction Rejected Sanctioned and Bills Prepared 31.10.2015 Total Sanctioned Amount
1 2014-2015 586 0 0 3 583 2,97,33,000
2 2015-2016 2608 453 0 28 2127 10,84,77,000
Total 3194 453 0 31 2710 13,82,10,000